About Acorn Integrative


The acorn trusts that it will grow and unfold in the way it needs to in order to become the mighty oak.

Like the acorn we are all born with an innate purpose, an imprint of our own unique pattern of possibility – something we can each feel (even if it’s a whisper). As author and psychologist James Hillman put it:
“Each person bears a uniqueness that asks to be lived and that is already present before it can be lived.”

As humans we often lose sight of our internal “acorn” in the quest for a successful life. Often finding ourselves further down the road wondering exactly how we came to be here, even though in the moment the decisions we made were made with the greatest of intentions.

At ACORN INTEGRATIVE our focus is to bring back your inner teacher so that you can move forward in your life with conviction and knowledge. Living in alignment with who you really are while creating a greater sense of balance and connection to the things that matter to you.

Acorn Integrative Coaching
Acorn Integrative Coaching

“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn, rather than teaching them.”

Sir John Whitmore



The right path is the one that clicks with who you are – sometimes we need to do some discovery around what it is you really want and need to feel aligned
Often, as we grow we become embedded in our cultures and what others expect of us, and we disconnect from the song of our essence. Sometimes all you are left with is a soft whisper inside that something isn’t right, but it’s hard to put your finger on what it is.

A person is made up of many facets – mind, body, spirit, and our connection to others – if you are working from only one or two of those areas you are not accessing the best of who you could be.

A happy life is not one without hardship – it’s what you take from those hardships and what tools you develop as you move through change that develops you further.

A leader is someone who serves – someone who guides others to be the best that they can be.

LIFE, no one said it would be easy, but we can do it together.

I look forward to getting to know more about you and helping you uncover your true you.

“If we’re the result of something more than pure chance, then it makes sense that our lives are about more than purely surviving. It implies that our lives have purpose”

Gregg Braden


Feedback from my clients

“I worked with Tania for almost 6 months and our sessions were invaluable. During this time I was experiencing a number of challenges and she was very helpful. As a coach she was professional , very attentive and each session left me feeling more focused and together. I wish I could have Tania around all the time as her perspective instilled calm strength in me and I felt refueled every time. I would highly recommend Tania as a go-to person as she has all the necessary qualities and skills needed for coaching. You are remarkable and always displayed an excellent work ethic with a warm and sincere caring personality.”

Nadeema S

“Meeting and having sessions with Tania has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. She has not only been an incredible coach, but also a cheerleader and intuitive listener. The valuable insight and practical activities she has provided me with, have inspired and motivated me to live a life more aligned with my values and passions. Coaching with Tania has helped me to think about my goals and responsibilities in realistic and meaningful way. I am very grateful to have worked with Tania during a confusing and challenging period professionally and highly recommend her services to anyone who is looking for an intuitive, warm, and passionate coach.”

Sihle N

“Working with Tania was life changing. Although she coached me virtually it was like she was in the same room as she was always 100% connected and engaged. Her coaching gave me the tools to understand why I have taken the path I have traveled so far and where I want it to take me next, it was like finding a clear voice on the radio when before it had just been noise! Being able to recognize my own behavioral patterns has been a real eye opener and now when I make a decision I am able to see the bigger picture.”

Sophie P

“A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.”



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